Working with you today, for a better tomorrow.
Initial Assessment/First Appointment
An assessment allows us to understand one another a bit better. It allows me to get to know you, some of your experiences; what you need from accessing the service and what I might do to help. It also allows you to learn how I work; my style, and if you think we will work well together. An initial assessment or consultation is necessary for anyone who may require my services before undertaking any further work.
A consultation can give you the point of view of a psychologist. This can involve working with parents or carers, educational settings such as schools, organisations or organisational issues. It can also include answering questions about psychology, mental health or ad-hoc supervision for professional colleagues seeking a psychologist's experience. If you'd like support for your own well-being or mental health about the issues listed, I'd recommend contacting me for an initial assessment/therapy instead.
One-to-one counselling/therapy
Counselling/therapy can be useful for anyone, at any point in time and for different reasons. To help you understand it a bit better, we would first complete an assessment to understand what you may be struggling with and how we can work together to support you. After that, we would usually have regular sessions that are 50 minutes long, in which we continue to make sense of your difficulties and what might be useful in improving them. I am trained in Humanistic, Psychodynamic, Systemic and Cognitive Behavioural Therapies.
Workshops & Training
I offer workshops and training to professionals from different backgrounds; including psychology, healthcare, therapy, educational settings, private and public sector services and organisations. Workshops and training can include; anti-racist practice, working with LGBTQ+ people and work-related stress. It can also be specific to psychological therapies, including the topics mentioned above and working with children, working with mental health presentations such as anxiety, depression and psychological formulation. If you have any specific enquiries, please contact me, and I will be happy to discuss this with you further.
Group therapy
Group therapy allows you to explore and work on your difficulties with others who may also be struggling with similar concerns. I have experience in successfully designing and running groups for low mood, anxiety and LGBTQ+ issues. If you would like to access a group for any of the concerns listed, please get in touch. I am also able to design and run a group therapy for educational settings or public or private sector organisations. If you have any particular requests or would like a group based on what is listed, please get in touch.
Clinical supervision
If you're looking for a clinical supervisor, I have experience in supervising qualified professionals and trainees. I have worked with psychologists (Counselling and Clinical, including trainees), as well as counsellors, psychotherapists and professionals who take a more creative approach in their work, such as art therapists. I have trained in humanistic, psychodynamic, systemic and cognitive behavioural therapies. I am a reflective practitioner, and I am comfortable with supervising both trainees and qualified professionals.
I take an integrative approach as a supervisor but can also work within the modalities listed. Please contact me for further clarification or to discuss your preferences.